Day Three
Your last day on Guam certainly won’t qualify as winding down — you’re headed to Fish Eye Marine Park for a Seawalker tour. You descend a latter into the ocean with a uniquely designed helmet filled with air. This safe and easy activity lasts about 20 minutes and you always have the helping hand of a guide. You enjoy feeding friendly fish and seeing natural coral life such as anemones. After your dive, you kayak and then linger on the long bridge to enjoy the clean ocean air. You scramble for your camera just as a light rain deposits a rainbow over the water. Perfect.
You’re back on Tumon Bay for lunch, enjoying a burger at The Beach Bar & Grill on Gun Beach. Your margarita hits the spot as you lean back in the padded beach chair. A few beers later and you are walking through an ancient Chamorro village at Lina’la’ Chamorro Cultural Park. You’ve stepped back in time to experience a taste of Chamorro life 500 years old. Lina’la’ Park rests on an actual Chamorro village, dating over 1,000 years ago. Latte stones, pottery, and other artifacts reveal that villagers lived there until the beginning of the Spanish era in the 17th century.
You roll towards your hotel just as the sun is setting and run to the top of The Westin Resort for a snapshot. Amazing! You see the fabled green flash just as the sun dips below the horizon.
You’re tired but not too tired to catch the cultural dance at your hotel before you crash. Young women in grass skirts pivot around muscled men in loin cloths. The pounding of drums accompanies the twirling fire. Wait, what? They want you to come on stage? You bashfully agree and are cheered on by the crowd as you beg your hips to swivel like the professional dancers. Oh well, it was worth a try.
< Day Two