It’s no secret that prices for almost everything are higher on Guam. This is just one of the things nobody told me about moving to Guam! At The Guam Guide, we’re always on the lookout for ways to save you time and money when buying food, apparel, or household items on Guam.
Avoid Grocery Stores on the First of the Month
Twenty-five percent of Guam residents receive government assistance (a.k.a. food stamps). Quest card accounts are replenished on the first of the month in the afternoon. Grocery stores look like Black Friday on the first so shop another time to avoid long lines and heavy crowds. The best time to shop is the morning of the first, because stores stock the shelves in anticipation of the afternoon. Plus, the aisles are usually empty! If you miss this golden shopping opportunity, wait until the fourth or fifth to avoid crowds.
Seniors Get 10% Off at Ross on Tuesdays
If you’re a senior (over 55), this is great news for you. If you’re not, it’s best to avoid Tuesdays altogether (and especially the morning) because the store is thick with moms and grandmothers getting their shop on, and they’re serious shoppers.
Buy Half a Piece of Produce
Because food is shipped a long way to Guam, it’s not that fresh to begin with. The longer is sits on the shelf, the shorter shelf life it has in your refrigerator. Produce on Guam is too expensive (compared to most places) to walk out of the store with something overripe, or worse, rotten. If you’re shopping for watermelon, or even cabbage, buy half. Often, Payless Supermarkets sells produce sliced in half and wrapped in plastic. This saves money because you know you’re getting what you paid for. Ask store employs to cut open any large fruit or vegetable you aren’t sure is still fresh.
Get Lower Prices at Mom ‘n Pop Stores
Guam has lots of small, unassuming grocery stores that offer lower prices than the big stores on certain food items. Compare prices at the mom ‘n pop stores to Payless Supermarkets and Cost-u-Less and make note of which has the best deal. For example, American Grocery in Dededo almost always comes in lower for cilantro. Happy Mart in Barrigada has an entire aisle dedicated to vegan food. Maxi Mart on Ypao Road is clean and well-stocked and is great for produce in a pinch.
Find Military Discounts on The Guam Guide
Many restaurants offer military discounts — usually 10% off. Military ID is required.
Ship to Store at Macy’s
Almost everyone who steps foot on Guam shops at Macy’s at least once. And for good reason — there is almost always a sale. Get deeper discounts by opening a Macy’s credit card account, clipping Macy’s coupons in the paper, or downloading the Savings Pass from to your mobile device. also ships to Guam so if your size is sold out at the store, order online and even have it shipped to the store!
Read our complete Shipping Guide to Guam.
Sign-up for Merchant Emails Online
Guam has lots of international merchants. Sign up for brand emails online to receive coupons and news of sales. For example, Calvin Klein in Guam Premier Outlets has 60% off sales. In addition, preferred members get a $25 reward for every $250 they spend. If you time your shopping right, you can pay next to nothing for name brand items. See also, Famous Footwear, Nine West, and BCBG in Guam Premier Outlets. Note: Not all international or Stateside offers are good on Guam. Inquire at individual stores for more information.
How do you save money on Guam?